First Peoples Principles of Learning

First Peoples Principles of Learning

The First Peoples Principles of Learning have been a large part of my Bachelor of Education journey during my lesson planning, unit planning, and practicum. During planning I am always able to find multiple principles to incorporate into my lessons whether they are Indigenously inspired or not, which may speak to my overall teaching philosophies. However, I think it is important to reflect on the fact that these principles are not something to be used to check off a box and say we have incorporated Indigenous content into our curriculum, rather they must be expanded on and discussed in class. It is such a rich resource that I hope to continually use in my practice. I will leave off by stating that “Learning takes time and patience” and as I am on this journey and trying to find my teaching style and content that creates rich learning experiences for students in my future classroom it will take time.

Dipnetting with my dad. This photo is a perfect example of learning takes time and patience because I have watched my dad dip net since I was born this photo was taken this first time I tried it myself and was extremely scared, as seen by my face, but over time I have come to be more comfortable.